RF power conversion
“ Convert dBm ”
This is an online conversion tool for converting
RF power between dBm and watts. These two parameters express the same quantity with watts expressed in linear terms and dBm, dB relative to 1mW, in logarithmic terms.
Working with RF devices such as antennas, transceivers, transmitters and receivers, they are often required to convert between these units.
RF power can be most accurately measured by using an RF or microwave power meter after accounting for system losses from RF cables and connectors. Alternatively a spectrum analyser, diode detector, log detector or receiver with RSSI may be used.
dBm to Watts
30dBm =
25dBm =
10dBm =
-30dBm =
-47dBm =
-57dBm =
Telestrian Limited
To discuss matching an antenna to optimise performance, return loss and
contact Telestrian.
+44 (0)1235-430375
- Log dBm units should be blank.
- Linear units may be y,z,a,f,p,n,u,m,k,M,G,T,P,E,Z,Y and can be followed by W.
- Results are rounded to 3 decimal places.
- Entered linear watts must be greater than 0.
- Results supplied by this program are provided “as is” without warranty of any kind.